Who is offended and hurt by this Chinese fake-honey trade?
The following are offended:
- Minister of Agriculture, his industries and pricing are cut to ribbons unfairly.
- Ministers of International Trade and of Foreign Affairs, because this is bad trade and trade sanctions were the immediate enforcement issues in Europe and USA.
- Canadian Beekeepers are out of business and too poor to develop offshore sales of highly-valued Canadian honey because we are broke at home.
- Ukrainian beekeepers who have been asked to partner with Canadian beekeepers to help fill the void as Chinese leave the Canadian market but are under total new scrutiny.
- Argentinian beekeepers are mis-represented as some Chinese product is labelled as Argentine.
- Legitimate beekeepers in China get their reputation screwed up so no one will deal with them.
- Minister of Justice has to face the largest food fraud in history. The people responsible for this kind of corrupt trade into the USA face fraud charges, fines and prison terms.
- Canada Border Security Agency has been totally compromised and is seen to be out of touch with what is going on in Europe and the USA and it really looks like corruption to sneak this material into Canada because the incompetence argument should not hold in the face of evidence and actions already taken by our trade partners.
- Our food distribution system see damage to their reputations as quality suppliers.
- Provincial bee inspectors in the Ministry of Agriculture? Everyone counts on them but they are purely enforcement of the Bees Act and cannot handle a complex issue like this.
- The Canadian public, honey buyers and bakeries, who make honey-coated cookies and products, are all offended and hurt, and especially people shopping with medical issues and specifically looking for high-grade honey from our supposed-to-be high-grade food suppliers.
Article: Niagara Beeway raising flags over Chinese honey
Niagara This Week, March 20, 2018 by Steve Henschel